Monday, 5 December 2011

Five for Friday: Forums

Each week, we’ll be exploring five ways to use a specific DB Primary platform feature for you to enjoy and use in your classroom. If you’re looking for innovative and creative ways to use your VLE, read on....

This week we’ll be exploring the Forum feature that can be found within communities. This feature is great for beginning discussions and sharing opinions on a range of topics. Not only does it provide children with skills that enable them to be proactive learners, but with the use of in-built tools, it also allows them to contribute in their own way. Be it through text, drawing their own pictures or through video, the forum is accessible for all children.
 If you’re struggling for new ideas to use in your forum, take a look at this week’s pick of what we have to offer:

Create a discussion with a fictional character or historical figure

For an interactive and engaging way to learn, set up a forum post relating to a character from a book or a figure from history and invite the children to pose questions. This allows children to be creative but also is an innovative way of interesting them with history topics. Studying The Tudors? Why not set up a forum post by Henry the Eighth that welcomes questions on what is was like to be a king in the sixteenth century? Younger children might enjoy a discussion with a fantasy character such as Santa Claus or The Tooth Fairy-although be prepared for some challenging questions!

Tell a story (one line at a time!)

Start a forum topic with the first line of a story. It can be as simple as ‘Once upon a time’, but must mark the beginning of the tale. The children are then able to carry on the story one line at a time, keeping consistent with the theme of the previous post. This not only allows children to learn the art of storytelling but also aids good practice with literacy skills. 

Encourage School governance

A popular forum topic is one that encourages debate and free-thinking. Create a whole school community devoted to the school council or school governance and ask the children what they think should be changed. This is a great topic as it allows children to decide what they think is important about their school whilst having to present a strong argument to support their point of view. 

 Draw a picture of your pet
This forum topic is aimed at younger children and children who respond well to visual stimulus rather than written.  Using the drawing tool within the forum, children are able to draw a picture of their pet and share it with the class. This allows them to express their creativity and is a topic that could easily spark off a discussion in class.

Book reviews 

A forum topic favourite is to start a discussion on what children have read recently. This is especially good for reluctant readers as it encourages them to be passionate about what they are reading and assesses their comprehension skills. Starting a discussion with the question: ‘What is your favourite book? Give three reasons why’ will allow them to think about what they have read in more depth and develop their own analytical skills.

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