Thursday, 21 July 2011

School's Out for the Summer...

The summer holidays are just around the corner but this doesn’t mean that you can’t make good use of DB Primary whilst out of school. A great deal of learning happens out of the classroom and with our average summer consisting of several rainy days we have a few suggestions on how to keep your pupils occupied and engaged over the summer hols!

Create a summer holidays community

Before the end of term you could create a summer holidays community and put links to various activities in there. You could have a community blog on which all members can comment about what they are getting up to during their time off and a forum for everyone to discuss good ideas for summer fun.

If you have any eager beavers in your class perhaps you could set up repeat weekly task over the holidays so they always have something to do. This could contain links to topics that will be studied next year.

For those book worms in your class you could set up a forum topic to describe the books that the pupils have read over the summer. They can then all communicate and recommend exciting summer reads.
What was your favourite memory from the last year?
Create some forum topics so everyone can keep in touch over the holidays, perhaps reminiscing about the last year. Perhaps start a topic asking pupils what they would like to do next year at school. Which topics are they looking forward to? Where would they like to go on a school trip?

No matter what you do, remember to have a great summer and watch this space for more exciting news about your DB Primary learning platform! 

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