Friday, 17 June 2011

Parental engagement made easy

With Father's Day just around the corner what better time to talk about parental engagement with DB Primary?

One of the keys to successful parental engagement is involving parents in the roll-out of the platform. We have a number of examples of letters home which schools might like to use in order to introduce the platform and address the wider concept of e-safety.

It's common for parents to have some initial trepidation about how their child will be using the platform, and what they will be using it for. Consequently, it can be useful to lay down an e-safety contract which pupils can agree to, addressing points such as not using 'text-speak', only logging in during specified hours and reporting any instances of inappropriate content. We can provide customers with examples of contracts to use, and are happy to discuss any concerns that pupils' parents might have – and common points which parents raise can include how children's images will be used on the platform, who can view their child's homepage and account, and how pupils' platform use can be monitored.

DB Primary has a number of great features which ensures safe interaction online. These include Safemail, a profanity filter, email monitor, record of chat conversations, inappropriate content reporting system and teacher-moderated areas. Parents can also be assured, that by using their parent account, they can monitor their child's work, contact teachers directly, and if enabled by the school, the ability to monitor their child's sent and received emails.

There is a lot of evidence to show that parental engagement improves pupil attainment and also boosts home-school communication. Are your pupils' parents engaged with their child's classwork? If not, then now's the time to create parent accounts! Contact our support team for more information or some advice on how to roll out DB Primary to parents within your school community.

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