Wednesday 23 March 2011

Where is DB Primary?!

At the moment, everywhere!

The sun is shining and temperature is getting warmer so staff at DB Primary thought it was time to get out and about:
  • Oxfordshire Headteachers' Conference 23 - 25 March 2011: We'll be at this conference and happy to answer any questions about DB Primary so why not come and say hello to learn more about what we have to offer your school!
  • Norfolk ICT Conference 23 March 2011: Nightingale First School in Norfolk will kindly complete a demo of DB Primary - complete with pupil assistance! - as well as presentation. If you'd like to see how DB Primary is actually being used within schools then being in the audience is the place to be...
  • Surrey ICT Conference 31 March 2011: we'll be offering advice about learning platforms, education and talking about DB Primary's application to primary schools and its beneft
The rest of us are all over the UK, visiting schools and helping where we can with e-learning and using it to aid education.

Fancy a visit yourself? Or like to find out more? Visit or email and we can organise something.

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