Tuesday 22 February 2011

Welcome to DB Primary's blog!

Education and learning that's engaging. How? With our learning platform! 

Yes, welcome to DB Primary's world of learning, one that is bright, colourful, user friendly and safe. DB Primary has been designed specifically for primary school pupils so that they can be a part of the e-generation that is our current 21st Century.

We hear you asking: How have they done this? Aren't pupils too young for this? Well, after asking ourselves these same questions we have developed a virtual learning environment that 1000s of pupils are using in and out of school right now, in various countries. The following features incorporate educational material that pupils can learn, collaborate and communicate about...
  • Email
  • Blog
  • Quizzes and surveys
  • e-portfolio
  • Forum
  • Communities
  • Tasks
If you want to learn more about DB Primary, just check out our website: www.dbprimary.com.  We'll be talking about e-safety, how to make the best of a learning platform, new features and so on in forthcoming blogs so keep following to find out more about online learning and how to make the best of it!

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